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The Blare Blog

Center of the Bla Bla Galaxy

As We Speak

December 2021

Friday December 31, 2021 10:17 AM CST -- The Stair Report --
As recently blogged, Brother Stair is renting all the time on local daytimer AM 770 for his Overcomer Ministery sermons. Yesterday I tuned in just before sundown and heard only digital data noise buzzing and blipping with no analog audio. This ran until exactly 5:45 PM local time when the carrier left the air without giving a signoff message. Would somebody please check the FCC rules? I think a sign off message is required, identifying the station. Oh well, it's none of our business, but it's the kind of thing radio hobbyists notice.

Friday December 31, 2021 6:19 AM CST -- Radio Reaches Death Row --
No TV, No Internet, but Radio Good

Wednesday December 29, 2021 12:54 NOON -- Buster Takes the Microphone --
From time to time Carl's barber takes a moment to share his political views with The Blog.
Presenting Buster Boatrocker:
This is Buster Boatrocker.
About a year ago fellow Americans headed to the White House
To take this Nation back!
I stayed behind for business reasons...
My barber shop was offering beard trims that looked like face masks.
The only way someone could see it wasn't a real mask
was if you opened your mouth and talked.
Then I heard that Trump was a no-show at the insurrection.
He really threw us all under the bus.
So now I'm switching over to President Biden.
We should heed his words and
Better build back!

Tuesday December 28, 2021 5:37 AM CST -- About Covid Treatment --
Peter A. McCullough, MD

Sunday December 26, 2021 10:26 AM CST -- The Record Is Never Straight --
The disgraced ex-chairman of the now defunct ALPB posted a message:

"New Years Day will be on January 1st this year"

The Blare Blog helpfully points out that New Years Day is always on January 1st.  Bottoms up!

Sunday December 26, 2021 4:16 AM CST -- Doing Radio Right --
It's almost Monday in New Zealand as we listen to the sounds of Rag FM, and invite you to pay a visit to this very impressive radio station run by Johny Cole, active supporter of low power radio in the world. But let's back up a little... yesterday I contacted Johny because he's the most knowledgable person I know on any problems that come up with Zara Automation Software, and he got right back with the helpful answer as he always does. While I was waiting for the reply I scrolled the Rag FM Website and was super impressed by the many DJs who spin tunes on 'Rag FM', click "Shows", the exact thing more low power stations should have... live talent; hosts who love the music as much as the listeners.
Rag FM Visitors Welcome

Saturday December 25, 2021 8:18 PM CST -- CARL-ING THROUGH THE SNOW --
You-All Tide Greetings from Boomer:

Merry Christmas Carl.

Funny how you found Brother Stair on your radio, like your radio was told by a Higher Power to resonate with 770 khz. We have a low frequency AM station with Mr. Stair as well, 24 hours a day. I found it by tuning around one night and the usual sports programming was missing, and instead it was a low fidelity recording of a church service, an overloaded microphone with no treble frequencies and delivered with such fervor it sounded like a cattle stampede in progress.

I didn't know it was Overcomer Ministries until it was announced, and then a long answering machine tape of testimonials came on, telling how Overcomer has helped listeners with their walk.

Too bad they closed the petition for 1 watt in the AM band, it was something to look at, but I don't think the desire is really there, from broadcasters or the radio bosses, FCC and NAB or media companies. I've seen other sites and groups push for something more on AM and to make it real community radio, an AM version of LPFM called LPAM. I've been involved in drives a few times, and it starts with enthusiasm and a lot of good ideas, but then the movement loses its energy slowly like a leaky capacitor, with what seems like a lack of consensus and good leadership, and maybe just not enough people who want LPAM badly enough.

Going ten times power, from 100 milliwatts to one watt would help with coverage, but not as much as some may think. Better would be to remove antenna restrictions, even keeping the current 1/10th watt. If you could keep the power the same and any antenna it would allow flexibility and provide incentive for the motivated. Most could put up a long wire antenna, but few would take it as far as a quarter wave broadcast tower.

Back in earlier times at Part15 NET someone did the math for what a full size broadcast tower would do with 100 mw and it came out to being 100 to 200 times more efficient than a 10 foot regulation whip antenna would be.

Politically I'd like to see more local emergency and weather radio stations on AM, as you mentioned, and a proposal for LPAM community radio stations, in places where FM frequencies aren't available. I still believe if you're serving your group with something they can't get elsewhere, you could supply them with radios or tell them where to buy one. You think of the internet, but it's being censored more and more.

I like how Peter Skiera is doing a hitch-hikers guide to on line radio stations, and the article's black and white picture of Peter with the old radio is great!

- Boomer

Carl's Talk Back - Hello Boomer. I hope you enjoyed your gift. What impresses me most about Brother Stair is how obviously wealthy he must be to arrange lengthy schedules on so many stations. If I knew where to buy a white clerical collar I'd start a radio church and hire female college drop-outs to run the money room. And we also have been involved in discussions about 'lobbying' the FCC for higher Part 15 power on the AM dial, but it was just talk and no one did any work to formalize the effort. And the silly talk about LPAM seems to be done by half-woke non-thinkers, because there already is a low power AM allowance in the fact that licensed AM stations can operate at a minimum power of 250 Watts, which is literally low power. Get your consulting engineer and go to work. Make it commercial or non-commercial, stop day dreaming. A lot of the little changes we think about are of no interest at all to the FCC which has become a rich man's occupational force serving only the corporate puppet masters. Everyone is equal under the law only if we can prove it in court.

Friday December 24, 2021 4:38 PM CST -- Deutsche Welle Festival Concerts on KDX --
For another year KDX is pleased to carry weekly 2-hour programs from the Deutsche Welle Music Festival bringing concerts from throughout Germany for 13-weeks. The program's new host is Christina Burack, following the many years programmed and hosted by Rick Fulker, who continues in service at DW, the German radio service. The 1st program in the series ran today as a holiday feature in place of the several regular programs taking leave until the new year. Program 2 will air next Friday December 31st, and in following weeks move to a regular Saturday time slot yet to be announced.

Thursday December 23, 2021 6:40 AM CST -- Petition to Increase Part 15 AM Power to 1 Watt --
Petition Now Closed

Wednesday December 22, 2021 8:49 AM CST -- Wow! Peter Skiera is Sampling All 61,000 Internet Radio Stations! --
As we've griped, there are too many internet stations and most of them are not worth hearing, but finally someone is checking them out and recommends the good ones.
Quirky & Novel Internet Radio Stations

Wednesday December 22, 2021 7:56 AM CST -- Business Not As Usual --
On the weekly 'Security Now' computer program from with Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte it was just mentioned that next week will be a vacation for them, alerting me to have a fill-in program ready. Also yesterday Thom Hartmann said his program will consist of the 'Best Of - ReRuns'  until his return to live shows on January 3rd. Many hours for KDX to sample new programs of which many are available.

In addition to program business we continue exploration of wireless audio in the Wi-Fi channels which is not so easy to understand based on the generally sketchy skills of YouTube presenters who often lack in-depth knowledge of what they attempt to convey and no-doubt presume that viewers already know enough to leave extra detail unnecessary. One example of the not-understood has to do with several Wi-Fi audio receivers available without matching transmitters. Instead, this category of receiver obtains its signal somehow from a computer's installed Wi-Fi system, but I suspect that it's actually a matter of digital audio sent from the Wi-Fi adapter and not the Wi-Fi router, but discussion of this aspect of the process is lacking and is confused further by Smartphones or iPods being required to control whatever takes place, with no true explanation of specifically what is being controlled or how to accomplish control within the computer without needing a handheld device.

Tuesday December 21, 2021 10:00 AM CST -- Strange Occurances in the New Astronomical Year --
It all began overnight during the longest night of the year. A radio near the dinner table tuned itself to 770 kHz on the dial and found myself hearing one of the most countrified backwoods barely articulate sermons ever heard on local radio. It didn't seem real. I checked and rechecked the frequency, and it was truly set on AM 770. Now, there is a local station on this frequency, but they haven't had religious preachers but have been an ethnic station where the same Bosnian host has played endless songs imported from wherever his home country is located. Nothing has been said in the local paper about a change on this station. So I looked up its website and went to the 'Program Schedule' page, where it nows says only one thing: "Overcomer Ministry with Brother Stair". The name wasn't unfamiliar, as Brother Stair is heard on every shortwave station including WBCQ 'The Planet' where owner Allan Weiner has talked about certain controversy surrounding the Brother, but a troubled reputation is seemingly no obstacle to expansion for Overcomer. So today, during the shortest day of the year, I logged in at the Official Ministry Website and scrolled through all the stations until I came upon the listing for local AM 770 and sure enough, "Brother Stair sunrise to sunset" dominating the full station schedule. My oh my.
Overcomer Ministry Radio Log

TUESDAY DECEMBER 21, 2021 10:59 AM EST/9:59 AM CST/8:59 AM CST/7:59 AM PST

Monday December 20, 2021 6:53 AM CST -- DAILY FREE NEWS SOURCE --
For radio stations that provide their own voices this non-political daily free news source provides compiled news.
1440 Impartial Comprehensive Free Daily News Source

Sunday December 19, 2021 10:01 AM CST -- Deep At Night --
In the deepest depth of night I found I had a choice. I could either get up and see more Wi-Fi videos on YouTube, or I could return to dreaming where I'd just left a weedy overgrown industrial area behind the gas company buildings, where I'd delivered my monthly bill. There was an old railroad yard with one single rail running near the edge closest to me, and I wondered if there might be one-rail trains operating. I'd reached this desolate location by continuously walking toward the left, expecting to arrive back at the parking lot but instead always getting further into the gas company complex. After contemplating the matter for 20-minutes I opted for watching the router videos but by 8-in the morning must have dozed because KDX was not started, adding to my history of missing station sign ons. To compensate we'll air Glenn Hauser's 'World of Radio' later in the day, probably at 2 PM CST. If I hadn't written about it here in The Blog no-one would be the wiser, but the beans are spilled.

Sunday December 19. 2021 9:51 AM CST -- Best & Worst Classical Music Endings --
Usually when I write about classical music you skip ahead and avoid reading it, but don't do that this time. At about 3:30 this morning in between watching videos about Wi-Fi routers I chanced upon a ton of great presentations by a composer named David Bruce, talking in a very entertaining way with interesting facts about classical music. This one about musical endings reminds me of a program I once did on the subject of classical music endings, my motivation at the time was to promote classical music by pointing out aspects that might appeal to the ignorant of society. Mr. Bruce goes farther and does even better than I did.
Classical Music Endings

Saturday December 18, 2021 4:25 PM CST -- Inquiry On Ring Doorbell --
History and Description of Ring Doorbell

Saturday December 18, 2021 3:56 PM CST -- A Moment Spent Virtually Elsewhere --
Early in the morning prior to starting KDX for the day, we arbitrarily chose Public Radio Station KBIA of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, and heard a pleasant female host with plenty of good sound bites recalling post war Germany when the Russians sealed off the east and the Allies, including Britain, France and the U.S., governed the west. My only criticism is very personal, it seemed to go on too long and I became impatient to hear it out to the end. All of which goes to another topic of interest, how long should things be? Somewhere in all the readings of the past I recall someone saying that studies have determined that 90-minutes is the maximum length of attention the average person is comfortable to spend, perhaps explaining why public concerts and movie lengths are somewhere in this range, but this morning's case reached less than an hour before I was ready to ditch so it's all uncertain if you ask me. This wasn't too long, was it?

Saturday December 18, 2021 3:50 PM CST -- What is Music? --
I'll tell you what music is. Music is the seeking of and ideally the experience of beauty, or an expression of longing and remorse in its absence.That about covers it. And now, back to our program.

Saturday December 18, 2021 1:56 PM CST -- Wi-Fi 7 On the Horizon --
Great Improvements to Wi-Fi Lay On the Way Ahead

Saturday December 18, 2021 12:05 NOON CST -- Lighting At Night --
All the colored lights that get strung for the holidays are the best thing about the holidays, as with the short daylight at the end of the astronomical year people tend to become despondent. We are a species that needs light, and KDX stands behind the practice of displaying electric light out in the long night. We worry a little bit about making birds visible to predators as they attempt to blend into the darkness, but they could always move to the back yards where most people don't hang strings of light. Oh and our programming troubles are completely solved as there are endless supplies of talking book classics of literature in the public domain as well as classical music concerts which will keep KDX going until we're well into returning season when gift refunds put the finishing touch on celebrating. Does anyone happen to know what Wi-Fi frequencies are used for Ring Doorbells?

Friday December 17, 2021 3:20 PM CST -- Conversation with Mark - Part 3 --
We'll probably start running out of things to say, but for now here's my latest Email to Mark:

- Hello Mark Again:

- I understand what you mean when you say this conversation should be on the Forum!

- Actually, you have my permission to put my Emails on the forum if you wish, also anything from my Blog can be re-printed and I also will continue promoting once in awhile through mentions.

- The only place where I submit directly is my own Blog, for several reasons. Most of all it's to protect my time. In past years I was posting to several forums and it took up way more of my time than was wise and I decided to limit myself to one outlet, but with the mission of promoting the Part 15 Radio Hobby.

- You mentioned Tim in Bovey and he, I think, is the top hero of part 15 having made his whole life about radio in every possible way, even operating a profitable FCC compliant station.

- I totally agree with you about the hazard of microwave radiation and I hope to minimize my exposure as I build my station. I have never had a Smartphone and do not have Wi-Fi, but I do have a TP-Wireless Wi-Fi Transmitter/Receiver and a cordless phone, plus I measure a strong amount of 2.4 GHz coming from my next door neighbor, so I need a better plan. Oh, and the utility companies all put in "smart"meters so maybe there's no way to totally avoid exposure.

- It's chilly and rainy here today. I hope Canada is comfortable.

- Carl

Friday December 17, 2021 12:07 NOON CST -- Conversation with Mark - Part 2 --
When we left off I had told Mark that he was a good moderator at  He responded:

Thanks for thinking I am a good moderator although there's not much to moderate.

To which we replied:

-  To Mark:
-  I recall a few things you wrote about the thought process that you use to be as fair as you can about moderating. I liked that way of sharing your process with the readers and think other moderators might want to be less invisible and speak like you did to the people who come to browse.

-  There are probably many readers to your forums, but these days there seems to be less interest in simple AM & FM radio hobby as people may be more hypnotized by their handheld devices. I'm only guessing.

-  I've been learning about transmitters and receivers for 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi use as links from my studio to the Procaster AM and C.Crane FM2.

-  All the best.  -  Carl

Mark's response:

I only think it right to give a brief explanation why something had to be moderated or the thread ended.
So you still check the forum?
I see when I check the members who has been on in the past few days and it seems that lots are but no one posts.
I think what you said about the obsession with smartphones is true to an extent but also what Timinbovey said about everyone just running their stations and nothing new comes up for a topic and it's all been said in the past.
The idea of a section that was suggested for everyone to list their, city, small area covered, format and frequency was a good idea but I need admin to set that up and made the suggestion as I can't do it.
It would have to be an addition in the forum section or something that stays visible everytime you go on the forum and not disappear down the line as more posts are posted.
You have a point about using bluetooth or wi fi as a wireless way of getting your signal from audio source to transmitter as using those frequency ranges are not licensed or regulated but personally, and just me, I don't like use of that as there's potential harm as you get to microwaves. I use a cable to my computer for internet and don't have a smartphone and would never stick a bluetooth device in my ear. Also, your smartphone is a VERY powerful transmitter, on your body all the time, as it has to get out of a building and the nearest cell phone tower can be a few miles away. Your smartphone is a WAY more powerful transmitter than what the Procaster is putting out. Even in the same room with it at that frequency is not harmful in any way. Neither is the FM signal from my Decade MS-100. Regular AM and FM is much lower frequency on the RF scale and has much less energy and never has concern been expressed since the start of radio that these frequencies are harmful to you. Especially at the transmit power we use. Even near 50,000 watt transmitters have not been shown to hurt you.
But we should be talking about this on the forum! - Mark

Back to me. This is Carl, and I'll be writing to Mark with comments about the things he wrote about. Keep watching.

Friday December 17, 2021 11:41 AM CST -- The Mischke Road Show Makes Two U-Turns --
With a small nudge to the memory bank past listeners of our Low Power Hour will recall the frequent Tommy D. Mischke features, charting his course from major WCCO nighttime talkshow host to self-starting podcaster-of-the-highways with his Mischke Roadshow as heard on KDX. To our disappointment in a recent month he put an end-date when his program would conclude, but this week on what we thought was close to a final episode everything is back-on and the Roadshow will continue into 2021.
Tommy Mischke's Story Behind the Story

Friday December 17, 2021 6:45 AM CST -- World Order New and Old --
The best way to achieve New World Order is to blow it up and take over what's left. 
- Military Solutions Magazine

Friday December 17, 2021 6:27 PM CST -- Weather Radio Band and the Bandits --
Following the conversation this week with Bill Baker of The Radio Source regarding the idea of moving weather radio onto the AM band, we reviewed the current setup for National Weather Service Radio:
The Weather Radio Band
As we see, the National Weather Service now occupies 162.400 to 163.275 MHz in the VHF spectrum. It seems to me that if the giant communications companies, eg, ATT, Verizon, Sprint, et al, realized there's a chunk of spectrum space they haven't already grabbed, they might overshadow the NAB in a spree to rope it in for cell phone use making another billion dollar pay day for the FCC which has sold off most of the public airwaves sinking their windfall into a black hole leaving no one knowing where the money went. At least we might get our wish of seeing weather transmitters open shop on the Medium Wave Band.

Friday December 17, 2021 5:42 AM CST -- Doof --
On Saturday Night Live (SNL) we noticed the word 'doof' used where I think they might have meant 'dork', so we looked into the matter:
What a Doof Is
And then we found another possibility:
What a Doofus Is

Thursday December 16, 2021 4:23 PM CST -- Plotting a Future for AM Radio --
Every few days I submit another tremendous idea to Bill Baker at The Radio Source and here's what I sent this morning:

- Hello Bill Baker:

- Another idea that might be good would be to move weather radio onto the AM band where the general public could  actually find it. Not so many people presently bother to acquire weather radios.

- This would have several benefits... it would open a whole additional category for your company, would expand the future usefulness of the AM band, would free up a chunk of VHF space which is in high demand and short supply.

- Enjoy the solstice, only days away. -- Carl Blare

Bill wasn't too busy right at that moment and wrote back to say:


That is an excellent idea that never took off.  A quick story:

I first got into this business some 40 years ago after a 12 year old boy from Kansas had a similar but more limited idea. His dad ran a campground there, and the boy had taken a weather cube receiver and mated it with a small AM broadcaster kit to provide weather info the campground for campers.  NOAA in Kansas City got wind of it and invited me and some associates to come to the severe storm center there and discuss how that idea could be expanded.  Well, it went nowhere, even with NOAA advocating it.  But in the meantime emergency managers who buy our products perpetually request that ability, especially for weather emergency messages, to put them where people can access them on a car radio.  So I have approached NWS official many times, and also discussed it from the FCC end and it has always drawn eyebrows but nothing else.  FCC and their friends at NAB concerned that real broadcasters could lose turf if TIS stations have daily-type weather info.  They are paranoid about TIS taking audience from the KMOX’s of this world. As for the National Weather Service?  We could not get them to be an advocate.  We think they saw the internet coming years ago and decided their future was solely on web delivery.

So a great idea for the public did not benefit the federal agencies, and so…  it has remained a great idea! -- Bill Baker

Thursday December 16, 2021 4:01 PM CST -- Email from Mark --
Mark is a low power broadcaster in Canada who serves as a moderator at, and he contacted us about an old post of mine from a long time ago:

New comment on your post "Carl's Back Room"
Author: Mark
Was going through some old posts and somehow came cross this:

- Last week a bat got into our radio station.
- While it flew around we abandoned the control room and panicked.

- Have you ever had a bat in your radio station? - Carl Blare

How did a bat get into your station? Odd.

Did you just make that up for the test response?

Naturally it was very good to hear from Mark so we replied right away and here's what we said:

- Hello Mark!

- The bat was real! I still wonder how it got in, but I have a theory... I often open the door to my front porch and while the door is open a bat could have swooped in above my head without my noticing, perhaps it was chasing a bug. At first I did not know it was in the house.

- I was at my computer when a shadow cast itself on the walls around me and got larger, making me duck as I thought it must be a huge moth or something. By standing aside I looked back and there was a bat circling through two empty rooms unsure of where to go. For awhile I'd held the front door open hoping the bat would leave, but it seemed not to notice the opening.

- I cautiously went inside, no longer seeing the bat in flight, and after looking around I saw it clinging to the top of a window curtain. I didn't want to hurt it so I got a transparent canister that had held blank CDs and slowly cupped it over the bat, which to my surprise did not take flight. By holding a large cardboard over the opening to the container I walked the bat outside and opened the canister so he could fly away.

- Hey, this gives me a chance to tell you that I do a lot of blogging about Part 15 at The Blare Blog, and I hope you check it out. You are welcome to contact at this same Email address.

- By the way, I think you are a good moderator.

- Carl

Mark got back to us right away and had more to say, leading to a continuing conversation, a transcript of which will be published here on The Blog in the very near future.

Thursday December 16, 2021 8:00 AM CST -- All Clear --
Most of yesterday was spent under a wind advisory as our share of another large storm system moving across the northeastern states. Forecasts varied with respect to expected speeds of wind gusts, ours were estimated to potentially reach upwards of 50-mph, so we got as far out of the way as possible by closing the radio station and moving the mobile unit away from the big tree. But the daytime hours and evening were nicely calm with only a few puffs of air audible near midnight and some quiet rain. Meanwhile Chicago experienced blasts of 74-mph and we're still waiting to hear from other locations.

Wednesday December 15, 2021 8:15 AM CST -- The Electromagnetic Spectrum --

Wednesday December 15, 2021 5:36 AM CST -- A Delivery Truck Pulls Up in Front of Your Station --
Oh look, it's an Amazon Prime truck. Or is it a UPS truck. No, it looks more like a Fedex truck. It couldn't be a USPS truck or it would be two weeks late. Anyway, here's your 'Bill of Lading':
Holiday Links from KDX to You
The Picture is from Steve Gibson

Wednesday December 15, 2021 5:10 AM CST -- Nerds and Geeks --
I said 'nerd' but got to wondering if 'geek' would have been more appropriate, so I researched it and found the following:
What a Nerd Is
What a Geek Is
And for that matter 'dweeb':
What a Dweeb Is
And we should add 'dork':
What a Dork Is

Wednesday December 15, 2021 5:02 AM CST -- Know You're a Nerd --
You know you're a nerd if at 4-o'clock in the morning you watch a YouTube video about converting a computer ATX power supply into a bench power supply. Chalk this up to 'continuing education'.
ATX Supply Conversion

Tuesday December 14, 2021 4:36 AM CST -- THE STATE OF THE STATION 2021 --
For the past many years around this time of year KDX has issued a State of the Station Edition of the Blare OnAir Program by which to report on the results of operating this radio station over the past 365 days. This year the station can no longer afford me as my price for bothering with a voiced program exceeds the station's budget, but I don't mind spending a moment at the keyboard making short work of the whole thing. As I often say, KDX exists to provide select program listening for myself throughout each day by way of radio, an amazing and beloved medium, putting to use the FCC's regulations (Part 15) permitting individuals to transmit using low power. This program service stands-in as a surrogate for very intelligent companionship, in fact exceeds what value might be expected from actual humans, although I like them too. In many respects this Blog serves as an extension of the radio station and seems to have garnered a small readership as opposed to the radio station's negligable audience. But of course there is always me within earshot of the nearest radio receiver and didn't we say that was the main thing? Still, there's ego involved as with any creative endeaver, we want our work to be admired and there's no doubt that programs heard on KDX are possibly the smartest assortment of productive efforts in the entire field among a constellation of tens of thousands of online and on air stations, so naturally we feel slightly overlooked when even family members admit they never listen nor check the Blog, and it becomes a natural reaction to feel shunned, but at the same time we know that it's unintentional on their part, they lacking in basic social skills. A better response to a listener survey would be to pretend some interest, but ordinary people are not running for political office and thus are unskilled liars. Having admitted such personal sensitivity about it, I'll redirect attention to the technical side of things where operations have been stellar with a Chez Procaster putting us on the AM Medium Wave Band particularly for hearing KDX out around the campus where I volunteer as grounds keeper. The next most important service is no doubt our internet servercasts operated both for experimental satisfaction and gregarious outreach to the whole of humanity, to the extent that sufficient web access permits. We could write books about it or move on to a central question fueling this whole project... why can't existing radio services suffice thereby saving us the effort of building and maintaining what has become an elaborate need I say expensive infrastructure? Certainly not locally where every licensed station offers rightwing hate, wall-to-wall sports, or looping religious messages. Oh, NPR. Ho hum. Gentrified and sterile. About now let's just summarize by saying... things are going well. In 2022 we expect them to go weller. I could have talked about the Pandemic, but many of our programs deal with that quite abundantly although you're station may be a COVID debunker. In 2021 KDX has achieved perfection. In 2022 we'll go beyond it.

Sunday December 12, 2021 9:26 AM CST --
Man was born with Original Slack
- Rev. Ivan Stang
Church of the Sub-Genius

Saturday December 11, 2021 4:27 PM CST -- A Genre Tree --
Solving a program problem led to an unexpected result. At the start we were trying to figure out what to do about the science program 'Groks Science' which caused a 'contains dangerous malware' warning. We noticed that along the right side of the screen PRX-the Public Radio Exchange was listed as an alternative source, so being a member, we found that 'Groks' was safely downloadable, problem solved. But as long as we were logged in we asked PRX if any concert music programs were available and discovered that 'New Music from Bowling Green' was ours for the asking. Actually, we've previously carried this series on KDX while affiliated with the WFMT Network, and learn now that the program has gone independent, so we signed up and schedule the new music series every week starting today.

What then is 'new music', you might ask, and I see this as an opportunity to talk about how what we call 'classical music' branches off into various sub-genres, starting with 'early music' which dates from earliest music history, before 'barogue' which is more often regarded the earliest serious music. Then follow the 'classical' and 'romantic' periods, all of it lumped together under the overall banner of classical music, commonly thought of as 'music by dead composers'. However the tradition has moved on and a category called 'new music' is being written in our own time by living composers. Check with your local college to find if you can receive college credit for reading about this in The Blare Blog.

Saturday December 11, 2021 7:18 PM CST -- Boomercast --
Correspondent Boomer writes under the title: Carl is the Radio Source

Carl, it's good to see that you got quoted in the Radio Source Newsletter! I thought that too, how the AM band could be used for more emergency and information stations. It makes sense to me, when we hear how vulnerable digital networked systems are. It's to the point now where if internet and cell phone systems were down, it would be an information blackout, but an AM or FM transmitter with analog audio would be one of the easiest systems to get operating again, because it's just analog audio.

Could the Tourist Information Services be updated? I know it's had some upgrades, like the possibility of 5 khz audio, up from 3 khz that it had been, but the rest seems like it's the same as it was in the 1970s. TIS was all over my area in PA, but it seemed like its time has come and gone. At a peak in the 1990s I could hear 3-4 on clear frequencies, and a jumble on 1610, that's where most of them were located, going by signs along the roadways. They had real info loops or played the NOAA weather service, then went into testing mode with an ID, and off-air one by one. Few seemed like much of a service, just years of taking up dial space and using taxpayer resources.

There's a lot on wi-fi in my area, at least the channels 1-11+ on 2.4 ghz that computers use. It's like the old cordless phone and intercom bands, lots of signals from different houses in the neighborhood.

- Boomer

Thank you Boomer for contacting The Blog. It is my understanding that Information Station messages can be updated either at the transmitter location or remotely by phone but I tend to think some of the stations fade away because of slack management. Keeping such stations fresh requires hands-on attention by personnel who understand the value of the service. I believe that influencers like the NAB work against TIS radio by wanting such stations to be as little appealing to the public as possible so no one tunes away from the boring member stations with their Jesus loops and robotized satellite hate talk. I also wonder if it's adequate to limit TIS licensees to government/public entities and I'd invite dialogue about other possibilities. And yes, I hope my quote as published helps open ongoing ideas about the future of the AM dial, which we know is edging on blight.

Saturday December 11, 2021 5:38 AM CST -- Lower Learning --
The kit of hastily grabbed supplies taken down the steps to outwait the weather violence included a battery powered lantern, TECSUN PL-310 radio, pocket full of recharged AA batteries and a book awaiting further attention, Bertrand Russell's 'Human Knowledge - Its Scope and Limits'. I wish I could share something learned about this, but my attention was continuously drawn to the radio where meteorologists talked over each other as new weather data was noted on their radar screens. The only radio station providing local storm coverage was KMOX with their 50-kiloWatts at 1120 AM but their carrier was continually knocked off the air which set me dialing around where I caught the local public radio station airing BBC with apparently no one at hand to assume weather duties, and the only other AM station known to employ live staff was in the middle of a ball game. Then KMOX AM was completely lost in static as some demonic weather god must have felled their transmitting plant over in the Illinois cornfield, but luckily their FM repeater is close enough that I enjoyed the privilege of ongoing coverage where they said nothing about having lost their main claim to authority, that 50,000 Watt beast, but there was mention of simulcasting with two TV stations. It was further mentioned that thousands had lost power, so the TV reports would not have been heard by them given a lack of battery powered televisions.

Saturday December 11, 2021 5:26 AM CST -- VERY SERIOUS WEATHER --
Friday night between 8 and 10:30 PM CST KDX Worldround Radio disconnected and took cover during two tornado siren alarms as wild and destructive weather erupted across a six-state area. Following two downstairs visits to the wash machine security bunker we emerged unscathed with no damage to report and uninterrupted electric power, but as we learn of catastrophe elsewhere we are very disturbed by news of lives lost and property destroyed.

Saturday December 11, 2021 5:23 AM CST --

Saying that all men and women are created equal is an attempt to be overly nice.
- Manfred Tweed, founder Home School College

Thursday December 9, 2021 12:47 NOON CST -- Less or More Unlicensed Space --
FCC Being Asked to Reduce Rather Than Expand Unlicensed Device Use

Thursday December 9, 2021 9:19 AM CST -- Alexa asks, "What's Your Emergency?" Faster Warnings. New Antennas
News Release from Bill Baker at Information Station Specialists

Here are a few stories from The Source newsletter that may interest you:

“This is Alexa:  What’s Your Emergency?”  
With Amazon’s Alexa “riding” in more cars every day, Emergency Managers are considering “Alexa Advisories” to get information to the public regarding emergencies. Read more.

"High Performance Antenna Launches New Era in Information Radio Broadcasting"
Alaska’s Pacific Spaceport is adding a new radio service for public information and emergencies. It utilizes a new kind of antenna, but it’s not rocket science. Read more.

“Warn Me Faster!”
People concerned about severe weather are adding weather detectors that don’t require NOAA or internet connectivity, or even electricity to function. Direct detection can produce faster alerts, especially when storms develop suddenly. Read how the device was invented.

Let me know your thoughts, when you have time. Your feedback is always welcome. 


Bill Baker
Information Station Specialists
616.772.2300 x102

Wednesday December 8, 2021 6:15 AM CST -- Backup System --
Backup System
Steve Gibson's Picture of the Week re-purposed -

Monday December 6, 2021 12:51 NOON CST -- Humanity's Demise to Leave Behind its Own Black Box --
Selecting the Right Island

Monday December 6, 2021 7:04 AM CST -- Part 15 in the Microwaves --
To this time KDX and The Blare Blog are the only part 15 voices touring the complex standards and protocols in the lower microwaves. We first wrote about the burgeoning world of 'Wi-Fi' and the new rules governing FCC Part 15 low power radio waves in the U.S. several years ago at, a website now in blight following destructive actions by certain of its moderators, and received no participation from the forum's membership. Our writings on the subject continue here and find it necessary to mount book-lengthed entries to even partially describe what we learn along the way. It is important to realize that the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission, does not mention the expression 'Wi-Fi' in its regulations. One must understand the connections between the two standards bodies which fit together for a complete picture of what's taking place. As of 2019 over 2.05 billion Wi-Fi enabled devices have been shipped worldwide, and the subject is further complicated by the fact that differences exist between application of standards in different countries, placing responsibility of the use of devices upon end-users who typically lack knowledge of the intricacies and can inadvertently operate outside the rules. Such was our experience when we came to realize that our TP-Wireless Audio system was operating on channels outside of the F.C.C. authorized portion of the 2.4 GHz band. The particular system is designed for use anywhere in the world but does not tackle the overwhelming task of printing a full educational course in what is or is not permitted across jurisdictional boundaries, leaving the ultimate decisions to the owner. As a global matter the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band is defined as 2.400 GHz to 2.495 GHz, but in the U.S. according to FCC 15.247 and 15.249, the available space for such devices extends only to 2.4835. This is described in another way by the U.S. allowance of 11-channels for Wi-Fi routers whereas some other countries have up to 14-channels. The fact that our TP-Wireless Audio Transmitter/Receiver system has 31-channels is based on an entirely other scheme of channel assignment which corresponds with the 14-channel internet swath based on differences in channel bandwidths. The FCC does not require equipment certification in respect to part 15 in this region of spectrum because the Wi-Fi Alliance manages certification of devices designed for such use. Exactly how the Alliance and the Commission collate and correspond among themselves is not mentioned in anything we've encountered so far. Bringing all of this to recent immediate experience we've developed a theory about the neighborhood Wi-Fi signals that have periodically interfered with our audio carrier. It is likely a wireless HDMI video transmitter/receiver, HDMI being a standard for high-resolution video and the observed 2-hour operating window of the signal matching the typical length of a movie.

Sunday December 5, 2021 8:22 AM CST -- Fascinating Puzzle --
Two nights ago we observed heavy use of the Wi-Fi frequency area being used by our STL (Studio Transmitter Link) which caused clicks and pops in audio being sent for our AM & FM stations. We moved one channel higher and things were fine until last night when clicks and pops persisted from about Midnight to 2-AM local time with strong mystery carriers showing on our spectrum analyzer. The puzzle is in wondering what is occurring at such an irregular time. A microwave oven is unlikely, cordless phone improbable, baby monitor doubtful, and even Smart Meter activity by the electric company is non-suspect. Night engineer Ed Rack thinks it might be ghosts in the studio but Ned Stedy, board op, suggests REM activity by so many sleepers in the surrounding area. Also, we can't rule out migrating owls.

Saturday December 4, 2021 7:33 AM CST -- Turn Your Computer Into an Internet Radio --
This Firefox Browser Extension adds a tiny radio icon to the upper menu bar that functions as a veritable internet radio giving instant access to thousands of worldwide radio stations.
Worldwide Radio

Friday December 3, 2021 3:39 PM CST -- Winter Solstice Coming Close --
Slightly over two weeks away the Winter Solstice will close the fall season in the northern hemisphere and the KDX planning committee is making plans for our celebration at KDX Worldround Radio. Also the days ahead will bring some of the classical holiday 'shares' we like to make available, including a number of Christmas Specials from our rich archive.

Friday December 3, 2021 3:46 PM CST -- The Fall and Rise of Internet Radio --
It was the latest thing until it became a "late" thing -- internet radio succumbed when its 'aggrevator' went belly up. The aggravation was tremendous, and the manufacturers are working to bring back the medium with a stronger foundation.
The Inform

Friday December 3, 2021 3:38 PM CST -- Our Extinction Might Be for the Best --
Human Species Doomed

RFR Symbol

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