July 2023 September 2023 Exit to Entrance

The Blare Blog

Center of the Bla Bla Galaxy

With Further Ado

August 2023


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Central Daylight Shifting Time

Thursday August 31, 2023

11:20 PM -- Getting Ready to Place a Big X Across Today --

Birth control is earth control.

4:00 PM -- Endings Meet Beginnings --

It looks like this might be the last there is to say in August, but we intend to enter September along with everybody else. As you may have read, last month is broken because of an HTML coding mistake and I've been spending time trying to repair it but the page seems to have a will of its own and doesn't want to revive. Is my writing so bad?

Meantime, here is where things eventually end up.
The Ultimate Destination

Wednesday August 30, 2023

6:24 AM -- Garth Brooks Launches Tailgate Radio --
The Tailgate Radio Story
At the outset, 'Tailgate Radio' is a stream based operation, it certainly opens a door for an enterprising part 15 transmitter salesman. Imagine how many low power radio transmitters could be attached throughout America to expand the Tailgate Radio outreach.

Tuesday August 29, 2023

2:50 PM  -- Hubris --
Hubris is a poisonous bloom that can be celebrated at its withering.  

7:23 AM -- Announcer Auditions --

There is no such word as NEW-Q-LAR. The correct pronunciation is NEW-KLEE-ER.
Do not AXE a question; ASK it.
There is no such letter as DUBYA. The letter is DOUBLE-YOU.

Monday August 28, 2023

4:24 PM -- If You Have a Minute --

Only a few minutes ago I was making plans to close The Blare Blog for a battery of reasons. The main instigating factor of the moment is a problem with the Blog page for last month, which accidentally got shattered while removing the radio player associated with tests in private streaming. Trying to recover the page was going slowly until something else got nudged and the page went double-haywire and seemed to have largely vanished. In a moment of lucid sanity I realized I was trying to manage too many things here in the low power radio playworld coupled with the fact that this Blog has gotten so massive it would take a fulltime librarian to keep it organized. But I'm an empathic person on top of being ego driven, and wouldn't want to take anything away while so much loss is already happening during the last years for humans on earth. And we fear the loss of AM radio as we know it, so it would just be inconsiderate to padlock The Blog even though doing so would give me time for a personal life. We took a salad break and came back for another glimpse at last month's bug-splatter and take a refreshed optimism about possibly reconstructing it so that we might publish the intact Blog in a paper format for placement at a rare book store.  

Added Note: The KDXradio.com website was unintentionally offline since Sunday morning. As soon as we discovered the situation we restored web service. 

Sunday August 27, 2023

4:00 PM
One sperm to other sperm:
"Anybody up for a swim?"

3:09 PM -- Today Arrived Enroute to Fading Away --

We are not so much living our life as we are seeing it pass by. The future continuously arrives and flows past making every moment instantly a memory. Any illusion of being in the present is produced by the gradual pace of our transience from the onpouring future to the departing moment. We are fooled by the notion that we can eventually arrive at a time when everything will be in order, but such times come to exist only in nostalgia not so much for experiences that actually occurred but for our wistful mental recollections which compact by discarding lengthy portions of our amassed history leaving us with thumbnail backgrounds.

10:02 AM -- Waking Up Late in the Day --

If Gawd were actually omniscient he would have gotten his 'book' right and wouldn't have needed to dictate a second one in an entirely different language.

If the New Testament really displaced the Old, The Old Testament would have been discontinued.

How much nonsense is needed to make people realize that it's nonsense? Oh, that's right. The Trumper's are nowhere near noticing.

8:51 AM -- Just Like It Used to Be --

Dim and early at 4:30 before dawn we were drawn to the MR-99 radio's AM band to see what the stations of America considered worthy of airing, and were able to hear many stations from many places coming in clearly without disturbance from lightning or broken light bulbs. This is the sport of DXing, the quest for distant stations. Wanting to be part of the scene we activated KDX AM and hand selected several shows worthy of a close listen. Alex Smith and his 'Radio Ecoshock' talks with scientists about collapsing earth ecology and the threats ahead for humanity. Next came a program deserving much greater attention, 'This Week in Palestine' accounting the cruel aprtheid persecution of the indiginous Palestinian People under Israely occupation. In a whole other frame of mind comes Frederick Moe's 'Radio Thriftshop' exploring obscure discs from the marked-down shelves. Promptly at 9 we joined the scheduled 'World of Radio' a presentation by Glenn Houser about activity across the shortwave bands. And thus we reach the threshold of the first day in over a week finally free of hell heat and storm threats.  

Saturday August 26, 2023

6:48 AM -- A Public Celebration of Privacy --

To pay homage to our launch of a private radio stream unavailable from anywhere on earth, we today will broadcast the opera Aniara by Karl-Birger Blomdahl, which we'd be unable to do on a public stream because of copyright restrictions. Despite all that you'll be able to share in the experience by enjoying the Aniara Opera on YouTube. The link will appear here shortly. Pay close attention. 
We Take You Now to YouTube

Friday August 25, 2023

8:36 AM -- You're As Good a Confidant As Any Other --

The reason the little radio player is gone from the upper left of the page is because we are testing the concept of a private stream intended only for myself now that I know how to listen to KDX on the new Smartphone from anywhere in the world. Those who know me wonder why I'd talk about being anywhere given my well-known reluctance to venture more than a mile determined by drawing a circle around all the local grocery stores. The whole saga is being written up in detail at the hobby forum at part15.org. Some have asked if the part15 forum is a social website but I'd call it borderline social. Most of the members are married, making low power radio hobbyists at least able to maneuver themselves into personal relationships. Women see potential in men who build industrial enterprises, not realizing until after it's too late to back out that it's only a micro-miniature scale-model simulation.

6 AM -- The Definition of Social Media Websites --

Social media websites are places where you can express how much you hate everybody.

Thursday August 24, 2023

6:52 AM -- Morning Radio and the Listener Experience --

Well, I mean here I am getting my own station ready to start broadcasting but take a moment for breakfast, which started earlier with a banana, but now we have a slab of sourdough bread and wonder what we could put on it, because only prisoners in jail subsist on bread alone, but I'm out of ideas and while taking the bread I tuned to a local station that calls itself 'real talk' with conservative patriotic truth, and there were about four guys sitting around jabbering, and what struck me first was how good the microphone pickups were. Each mic sounded full throated, there was no phasing between mics, and this one guy was recounting his experiences during a recent honeymoon trip with all the airports, luggage, and coffee overcharging. And a problem he's having here at home is that his only kid identifies as a cat at school. Which reminds me, should I be turning myself in today? I don't think I'm in any legal trouble but a lot of people are getting their mug shots and I think mine might look pretty good. It'll go up to 102 today, so maybe I'll take a honeymoon in some cooler place.

Wednesday August 23, 2023

1:50 PM -- The Blog Page for July 2023 Has Become Damaged and is Offline Pending Repair --

8:44 AM -- At the End of the Day AM Radio May Not Go Extinct --

From Border Blaster XERF, Wolfman Jack, to Our Future

Tuesday August 22, 2023

3:21 PM -- Information Station Specialists Put AM Radio to Work on Maui, Hawaii --

Emergency Management Radio

3 PM -- Information Station Specialists at the Front Lines of  Disaster Management --


Here are some articles that might interest you:

AM is Deemed “Absolutely Mandatory”
Congress and a consortium of players pushed back when automakers attempted to strip AM receivers out of dashboards. Safety officials knew that cellular and internet-based communication methods are not reliable in real-world disasters. Breaking News: the Senate is advancing the “AM In Every Vehicle Act.”

Will 2024 Solar Event Eclipse Safety Resources?
Safety officials are preparing to communicate with millions who will squeeze into a narrow corridor to watch next April’s total solar eclipse. Emergency managers want to avoid a communications “Apoc-eclipse,” and the car radio may be the ideal way to get safety info in front of visitors when they most need it.

Signs of Things to Come
Portable changeable message signs for safety applications are brighter, lighter and more affordable; portable radio stations on trailers that go anywhere the road does.

Harrison Ford Voices Safety Broadcasts at Jackson Hole
Indiana Jones is actually all about fire safety? That’s what the Friends of Bridger-Teton National Forest have found. Hear how the famous actor has lent his internationally known voice to aid the safety effort in an area where fire, bear attacks and other hazards can shorten a visitor’s vacation, if one is not careful.

We always like your feedback!

Bill Baker
Information Station Specialists
616.772.2300 x102; Direct 616.741.9406

10:25 AM -- Bruce's Antennas --

Hi Uncle Carl:
I promised you pictures of my receiving antennas - here's one 
Very Best Wishes
P.S.  I cannot believe how well this little receiving loop works.
100 kHz to about 180 MHz and it's just sitting on a little 7 and 1/2 foot camera tripod.  It has a very quiet 20 dB RF preamp which is probably the reason why it works so well.  But it is amazing to me that this little teeny loop can be matched to the preamp and function so well over such a wide frequency range.

Bruce Loop

No.2  So Uncle Carl:
Here's another shot.
This is my FM dipole and 50 MHz vertical antenna for receiving the 6 meter ham band - which is 50 to 54 MHz.
(Just below TV channel 2, which is 54 to 60 MHz.)
This antenna is on the ground right now - I'm making some changes to the legs on the bottom.  You probably remember that this antenna had been held up by plastic crates - but this works much better.  This tripod is very good - and as you can see - I lengthened the legs with metal poles.  When I put it back up I'll send you another shot.  It is very easy to put up and take down.
Very Best Wishes
High Frequency Antenna

9:20 AM -- Today's Excuse --

It is widely known that the human brain becomes slow and sluggish under oppressive heat. Here in the midwaste we are enduring a heat storm all this week. All thinking is back burnered until a cool down.

Saturday August 19, 2023

8:24 AM -- As If Things Aren't Complicated Enough --

The striking WGA (Writer's Guild of America) thinks streaming should be regulated by the FCC the same as other broadcast media.
The Story
Broadcasting & Cable

Wednesday August 16, 2023

7:55 AM -- When the Cellphones Go Dead --
Resort to Radio

Tuesday August 15, 2023

5:50 PM -- Little Stories About the New Cell Phone --

There's this cellphone that I've been learning how to use. A relative said she reached voice mail and couldn't understand the name at the end of the answering message: "You have reached voicemail of hall blah". So I played it back and realized that the digital sound had lowered the pitch of my name and made it sound wavery and watery. I had said "Carl Blare" but it came out "Hall Blah". I don't know what will happen next.

5:46 PM -- Carl Blare changes the name of his radio station to "S". Then thinks differently and changes it back to KDX --

5:43 PM -- Stand up for your country. Remain standing. Donate your chairs to charity --  

9:48 AM -- Elon Musk Changed Twitter to X --
We wonder Y  

Monday August 14, 2023

3:49 PM -- Digital Addiction --

The topic of an upcoming Ralph Nader Radio Hour starting in minutes on KDX. As a digital addict I am curious to hear what is being said about the condition. There's no thought of seeking help as the dependancy is very appealing and makes the 3-dimensional physical world seem like a nuisance, except that without it we'd have no place to park our existence and set the computer desk. If one pays attention it's possible to notice that the eyes operate differently in the third dimension than while gazing at a flat screen occupying an electronically generated flat window in roomspace. The brain no doubt also works differently, one can surmise.

7:02 AM -- I'll Tell You This Much --

My favorite movie, of late, is 'Aniara', viewable free at tubi.tv. I'd previously been familiar with the opera by the same name, most likely available at YouTube. Emotionally spellbound after viewing the film I looked at Wikipedia to learn that 'Aniara' in its various incarnations is first an epic book-length science fiction poem by Swedish Nobel laureate Harry Martinson written in the mid 1950s. The story touches a broad gamut of human nature, starting at departure from a ravaged earth in a massive cruiseship-sized spacecraft and tracking the voyage through individuals from among the onboard population. Of particular interest to me was the function of an AI mechanism named 'Mima' designed to calm and ease the feelings of passengers, but which evolves by taking on negative human characteristics leading to its own suicide. 

Friday August 11, 2023

5:10 PM -- Cultured Rabbit --

The rabbit seems to like radio. For the second time a plump rabbit parked in reverse very near to where I was listening to KDX on the Sangean MR-99 Radio. I was face to tale with a fuzzy white ball. In a slow turn the rabbit eventually came 180-degrees nibbling grass along the circular move until he/she was face toward me. I just sat on the steps until I was ready to go indoors, and when I looked back the rabbit was still there.

10:44 AM -- The Thing Is --

Somebody on one of our talk shows suggested using 1 2 3 4 5 Power Ball= 6 when playing a Power Ball-like game.
Point being that every possible number combination has the same chance of coming up as this one. Purchasing a handful of different numbers does not imporove the odds in any meaningful way. Yet, someone eventually wins out of a U. S. population of 333,287,557. Be the one.

7:14 AM -- The Definition of a Bachelor --

A bachelor is a man who likes his women in batches.

Thursday August 10, 2023

6:53 PM -- New B.U.T.T. About --

By which I mean that B.U.T.T. (Broadcast Using This Tool), the Stream Encoder, has upped to Version 0.1.38
Are there any Blog readers who stream? Excuse all the scratching but I've been getting mosquito bites.

3:10 PM -- The Definition of a Radio Station --

A radio station is a public address system consisting of a microphone, perhaps some playback equipment for pre-recorded audio, connected to an amplifier and some loudspeakers like in a church or at a sports stadium, except that the loudspeakers are disconnected and the amplifier is connected instead to a radio transmitter which employs an antenna tower to radiate frequency waves over a given area where listeners, by benifit of radio receivers containing loudspeakers are able to hear whatever is happening at the audio input stage of the PA system. Got that?

5:47 AM -- Little Annoyances of Daily Life --

In the morning before signing on with KDX, my own radio station, I listen to a local farm show which does some good chitter chatter about weather conditions but on the mark at 5:15 AM they play 'God Bless America' as a renewal of the Pledge of Loyalty to God, America, and Baseball, but it's too intense for me so I hastily turn it off. I know it's a beautiful song but it seems more like Christmas music that you'd hear once a year at some kind of pageant with free treats.When heard daily it's emotionally exhausting and leaves you wanting to take the rest of the day off with beer.

5:40 AM -- Questions Keep Dripping In --

Q.  Mr. Blare, is low power radio your only hobby? 

A.  No. I also enjoy railroad simulations. But...

Q.  But what, Mr. Blare?

A.  But the simulation game I was playing did an update that completely wiped out my elborate track layout and my only choice is to start from scratch, so my feelings are hurt, I feel wounded, and I'm pouting.  

Wednesday August 9, 2023

5:56 PM -- Social Directions --

If you think this is exciting you'll really like the Official Forum of Record for Low Power Hobby Radio.
Get yourself over to part15.org

4:39 PM --
Massive Solar Flare Knocks Out Radio 

Monday August 7, 2023

7:10 AM -- Furiously Tapping on the Wall in Morse Code --

Help! I've been inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame and they won't let me out!

Sunday August 6, 2023

5:35 PM -- An Essay by Michael Moore --
He's Lucky to be An American

1:39 AM -- Polls Rising --

Everytime we get an indictment we go up in the polls.
We need one more indictment.
- Standup comedy routine by disgraced ex-president Trump  

Saturday August 5, 2023

6:43 AM -- Stray Thoughts Off-Leash --

My attachment to the Sangean MR-99 radio has me always carrying it about by the sturdy strap-handle, feeling somewhat like the purple Teletuby with his hand-bag. It got me to thinking about the purses women carry, but oddly when I think back I cannot recall a single instance of noticing a handbag carried by any of the women over the years. Do you find that interesting?    

Friday August 4, 2023

6:28 AM -- Can You Answer My Questions? --

This first thing is about the big WGA/SAG/AFTRA strike that has radio-TV writers, actors and air talent walking picket lines in the major production cities. How come we hear the usual news presenters on network newscasts? Aren't they members of the unions?

OK, number two, what is a word for a making a joke at the expense of another? There's got to be a word for it, but I'll be danged if I know it.

And thirdly, not really a question but a spot of nonsense as I enjoy making up words. My new made-up word has to be pronounced a certain way or it doesn't hold up, so we'll lead into it with a word that does exist, that being 'infamous', which means 'one who is famous for nefarious reasons', like Donald Trump. Using that same pronunciation, my new word is 'unfamous', somebody who nobody ever heard of but considers himself a 'chairman' of an organization that he completely demolished.

Thursday August 3, 2023

7:20 AM -- We People --

We the People are strangers who never meet, generally dislike one-another, and only wear clothes because it's the law. Yet we are the ultimate boss residing over civilian and military government of the United States of America. By default our authority becomes invested in elected representatives who mostly ignore their job-descriptions and soon realize that being largely unsupervised they can steal more than office supplies.  

Wednesday August 2, 2023

8:24 AM -- On for Now --

This website and our radio station have been offline for hours of the morning for safety from persisting storm conditions, mainly lightning since otherwise we've been under a gentle rain. Moments ago we sampled the AM X-band for traces of lightning-induced static and things were quiet. A look at the Lightning Map which shows active lightning strikes, shows clusters of lightning west of us in another county, perhaps moving this way, which may put us offline again. 

Tuesday August 1, 2023

1:37 PM -- A Radio Program on the Relevance of AM Radio --
Download & Air This Program

1:33 PM -- A Letter to RadioWorld --

Forget AM Radio. Switch to DRM

12:47 NOON -- Butterfly Stopover --

We're always reading that butterflys are disappearing and birds along with them. But no wonder. Everyone cuts their grass down to the ground and sterilizes everything, giving wildlife no place to hide out. But not us. Here at the campus of home school college we've got all sorts of butterflys that are here all the time. It's because we have the foliage and floral features that provide a welcoming oasis also bustling with bird species and friendly rabbits. When I roam around the garden paths I get plenty of eyes following my movement, and when my gaze meet theirs I speak softly, asking, "How ya doin?"

10:45 AM -- Upper Body Fitness --

Orchestra conductors develop excellent upper body strength and endurance because they wave their arms at over 100 musicians for up to two hours at every concert. To get an idea how you should look in the full-length mirror, watch symphonic performances on YouTube and notice that different conductors have different approaches to how they do it. That means you can have your own style once you get into it. Some of them hold a baton in the right hand, and there's a 'proper' way to grip the baton. But other conductors do away with the baton and simply point and flap their hands. You can use a Chinese chop-stick in place of a baton. Let me start you out with a slow piece with plenty of stress points for you to command various instrumental sections of the orchestra. If you conduct the dashboard in your car while moving at 70-mph, keep one hand on the steering wheel.
Wave Your Arms At This

July 2023 September 2023 Exit to Entrance